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Agri-Bot is an Award Winning solar powered Artificial Intelligence agricultural robot that automates farming activities to reduce cost, loss, and labor for farmers.

Reduce chemicals used by up to 90%.

Drastically lower your costs, while also increasing your yield and creating a safer and more eco-friendly farm.

Kill weeds without harming your crops.

Agri-Bot uses Artificial Intellgience to recognize and distinguish between your crops and unwanted weeds.  It then applies herbicide directly to the weed, while keeping your crops safe and limiting their exposure to harsh chemicals.

Improve crop yields with precise fertilization.

Agri-Bot measures pH and applies the right fertilizer to the right plant at the right time. It also can distinguish between your different crops for fertilization to drastically increase efficiency and decrease cost of fertilizer application. For example, Agri-Bot can distinguish between maize and bean, and apply ammonia directly to the soil of the maize alone and not to the bean.

Stop losing crops to water management uncertainty.

Agri-Bot detects and measures soil moisture content. It can automatically drain off or pump out water log, or alert you when your crop needs more water.

Stop losing crops to hidden pests and disease.

Agri-Bot recognizes and detects crop pests, diseases, and infections. The data captured by the sensors is stored in the memory and backed up remotely, and acts as an input signal to various actuators to the pumps which apply either the pesticide, insecticide, or herbicide at the required amount and the precise point.

Agri-Bot works harder so you don’t have to.

Save time and labor, and let Agri-Bot work around the clock for you.

Farms up to 1 acre per hour.

Agri-Bot can cover up to 1 acre per hour when it is measuring and distributing nutrients. If Agri-Bot is only weeding, it works even faster.

Works continuously, day and night.

Agri-Bot is solar powered and does not require recharging. And it can continue working at night by using its stored charge.

User friendly, with remote support.

All information is sent to you directly through your computer or mobile phone. If the machine breaks down or malfunctions, it sends you a notification and sends itself home. You can close or shut down the machine in your app. And you can work on maintenance or troubleshooting with your computer or phone. We also offer support service and can complete troubleshooting and maintenance remotely.

Agri-Tech is an Award Winning team.

AGRI-TECH is a startup company based in Kenya developing agricultural automation robotics, including the award winning AGRI-BOT.

AGRI-TECH is led by Eng. Rotich Danol, a trainer at The Eldoret National Polytechnic Kenya. Other members include Miss Akoth Leah, Accounting Officer; Bethwel Kiprotich and Furaha Kevin, Technical Team; and Mr. Koech, Advisory Board Leader.
AGRI-BOT was ranked in position one in the TVET FAIRS innovation competition. In 2023 at Kenya Innovation Week, the project was selected to represent Kenya in the Oscars Olympiad 2023 at The Edge Convention Center in Nairobi. The competition was sponsored by Master Card Foundation, DALA Africa, and StartUpAfrica, and brought teams from over 21 Common Wealth Countries in Africa. AGRI-TECH made it to the winners with the product AGRI-BOT, and is set to compete once again in the Oscars Olimpiad 2024 in Dakar, Senegal.

See an expo demonstration of the Agri-Bot prototype.

For investor inquiries or to order Agri-Bot, please contact us: